

俺って最近あんまドラマとか見んようになったけど、今ちょうどはまっちゃったドラマあります。 東京タワーほんまにグッとくるね!ちょっとほんまにええ話やんかあ!ただ腹立つ事が一つ・・・・・俺明後日からアメリカやんか!次の2-3話みれんやんか!これやからドラマ見るの嫌なんよ・・・とほほ・・・最後までみたい・・・

Well I had some free time in my hands so I decided to add couple pictures on my pictures section. Oh how do you guys like the comic section? I know there aren't that many right now, but I'm sure there are going to be a lot more of those coming soon. How do I know this? That's cuz as some of you may know, I am going back to the states for 2 weeks, and I am not going to have internet, cable, PS2, or even a car. So I'll be spending a lot of time playing with my cats, playing few games on my laptop, and ofcourse, I'm gonna have alot of time working on comics. I'm starting to really enjoy the whole comic thing. Let's hope I won't get tired of doing that lol. Well I better get some sleep. I've still got to pack my crap so I don't have to worry about leaving some of my stuff in Japan. Laterz!

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