

I am pretty sure that everyone has something that they are passionate about. It's different for many people. In my case, it would be music.

Now everyone has their own ways of doing things. There may be an occasion where one person may see that the other person is not putting an enough effort to work on whatever projects they are working on, when they are actually putting all that they can at that point.

In my opinion, as long as the person is putting all of their effort, that's what matters the most. I think that if you are going to work on a project, you better be proud of your end results. Even if you end up making a huge improvement sometime in the future.

What I do have a problem is when a person claims to be passionate about something, and openly tells people that they don't care about putting their best into it. Nothing in this world is perfect. But when working on something that they are passionate about, they should put in as much effort as possible so they can be perfected, or even be really close to it.

Once a person thinks that it's ok to not to do their absolute best into their project, well they better stop claiming that that is their passion. After all, why would you want to present something that is half-assed to the audience? You might as well spit in their faces.

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